IELTS Preparation

The IELTS is an internationally recognized test of English language proficiency. For non-native English speakers it is required for entrance to most North American universities and colleges. This program covers all four parts of the test: structure, listening, reading and writing. You will also learn strategies for speed and tips on how to find the correct answers.

Your course will include regular use of the computer for homework assignments and practice tests.

Regular Hours

09:00 – 15:55 (lunch: 13:00 – 13:45) (Monday – Thursday)
09:00 – 13:00 (Friday)

Class hours are longer Monday to Thursday afternoons in order to compensate for no classes Friday afternoon.
Friday afternoons students are invited to participate in the “Free Friday” activity.


4 lessons/day of General English
2 lessons/day of English For IELTS Preparation


intermediate (level 4) to advanced (level 7)